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Some facts about Joseph Pilates.

There is a great article by Kathy Corey on Pilates Intel, the global community advocating intelligent fitness, on the facts about Joseph Pilates. Kathy is correcting misconceptions of Joseph Pilates history:

“I am always shocked when I teach at a conference or hear people talking about the history of Joseph Pilates.  There is still so much misinformation about the man and his life.  The Internet promotes these falsehoods with many articles that have not been updated.  In fact, while writing this article I was checking various websites and found a myriad of incorrect details.  In the past we were not able to substantiate the information, but today we have the ability to research the records and separate fact from lure.

To test your knowledge of Joseph Pilates’ life and work, here is a quick quiz of some the most common misconceptions about the man whose program and name we use everyday in our work.

Joseph Pilates was born in:

  1. Düsseldorf, Germany
  2. Monchengladbach, Germany
  3. London, England
  4.  New York, New York USA”


Click here to read more.


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Mysterious and supernatural fitness event of the year – MagiConvention 2015

Yet again, as if by magic, the curtains start to open and another mysterious and supernatural fitness event of the year is on its way…


Date: 27/28 February – 1 March 2015

Location: Roman Sport City – Pomezia, Rome




MagicConvention 2015

Every year this fantastic themed event has been a great success and here are a few links to previous editions…

BraGil Convention 2014


Animal Convention 2012

Circus Convention 2011

Rodeo Convention 2010

I have been extremely fortunate to be involved with this sensational event and here is a flashback from all of them…


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Happy 25th Anniversary Guillermo!

Once upon a time there was a boy with a dream to reach the stars in the world of fitness. So he packed his bags, left his beautiful home far far away and set his way towards what one can only say a sensational trip affecting lives of millions with his enthusiasm, charisma and motivation.

After many years of serving this challenging industry, he met a girl and turned her life “down side up” ;-) with lessons in fitness, life and love.

Erle & Guille


With the help of the girl he educated many professionals in the irish industry…


And this year that amazing man is celebrating his 25th anniversary in this business. So if you haven’t yet planned your weekend coming, why not to take a trip to Barcelona and join him with many others on the celebration of his career. EUROCONVENTION BARCELONA


And sorry I couldn’t be there this time…

Love E


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Do you love to move and exercise with a group of like-minded people?

As the date keeps coming closer I am writing a quick blog about Ireland’s Fitness Party 2014, which is designed for all fitness enthusiast out there to partake in 4 days of fitness classes (also for kids), master classes, workshops, nutritional lectures, bodybuilding advices, competitions, celebrity appearances and CrossFit. Take a look at their web for all the details SPORTEVENT.IE.

Note that you can get tickets for this event contacting me via available means. Online they are €69 for all 4 days, but you can get them from me for just €49. Cycling marathon price is €38.

I will be teaching classes of Reggaeton and Power Step on Saturday the 25th of October so if you haven’t tried these classes before here’s your opportunity to find out more about them.


Originated from dancehall, Reggaeton is a simple, but effective dance form mixing hip hop, aerobic and salsa basic moves using tunes, which have roots in Latin and Caribbean music. Super energetic as well as sexy and sensual leaving you totally breathless. Regardless of your training level or your age this is a class for you, a sensational workout mixed with fun, dance and choreography.


This class is suitable for everyone, who like to follow choreographies and not only challenge their body but also their brain. Perfect for cardio resistance as well as beautifully shaped legs.

Drop into my Reggaeton in Sports Hall at 12:30pm and Power Step in Aerobic Studio 1 at 2:30pm.

Looking forward to seeing you in my classes!

Love E

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Something inspirational and a short video of my Strong Core class…

Weekend just gone I got few video clips done to give you an idea about whats ahead with new classes in my timetable and below you find another link about Strong Core class in Liffey Trust Studios. Also I decided to share something inspirational I came across yet again.

Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows.

Yet again a huge thank you to my friend Dorota Kolodziej for her time shooting this video on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

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