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Pilates Liffey Tr Poster

Benefits of the Pilates class

You are wondering about Pilates and why it is good for you… Have a quick read of my notes below and make up your mind ;-)

It is a body conditioning class that works on flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance in the legs, abdominals, arms, hips and back. Emphasis is on spinal and pelvic alignment, breathing, developing a strong core called “powerhouse” and improving coordination and balance. We are modifying different exercises to work with beginners as well as advanced participants and intensity can be increased over time as the body conditions and gets used to the exercises.

Results of the regular participation are longer, leaner muscles (less bulk, more freedom of movement), improved postural problems, increased core strength, stability and mobility, enhanced functional fitness, ease of movement, balanced strength and flexibility and heightened body awareness. It is no-impact, easy on the joints, can be customised to suit everyone from rehab patients to elite athletes, complements other methods of exercise, improves performance in sports (golf, skiing, skating, etc.), improves balance, coordination and circulation.

“Contrology develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong posture, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind and elevate the spirit” – Joseph H. Pilates (1880-1967)

So to sum it up with 10 classes you understand Pilates, with 20 you will see and feel the difference and with 30 you will change your life! Pilates doesn’t work on concept “no pain no game”. We will focus on BREATHING & CONTROL!

Now hit my class and reap the rewards of these benefits.


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Great Aerodance class!

Thank you girls for the great class! PS! Love the laugh! ;-) See you tomorrow at 6.30 for Dance Ireland Culture Night FREE TASTER classes! Love E

Click here and see how we are doing it!

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FREE TASTER classes in Dance Ireland

If you haven’t heard just yet, I am happy to inform you that Culture Night will take place on Friday 20 September 2013, a night of entertainment, discovery and adventure in Dublin and across 20 towns, cities and counties in Ireland. Arts and cultural organisations open their doors until late with hundreds of free events, tours, talks and performances for you, your family and friends to enjoy.

DanceHouse is opening it’s doors for a night of free dance classes with short dance performances by the teachers and past pupils. For more info visit this link

What are you waiting for? Take your friends and family and join in for dance and exercise with me at 6.30pm so you can find out what Body Fit, Aerodance and Reggaeton really are about.

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Dance IrE Poster

Benefits of the Body Fit class

Why Body Fit?

In this class we combine cardio and toning. To be more specific different types of martial arts with total body conditioning exercises sometimes purely with body weight, but also adding more force with elastic bands.

It teaches you to be strong physically and mentally; how to “take a punch” and not turn and run.

It’s also great for stress relief as physical activity is a known stress reducer. When you box, you reduce stress by hitting your zone and focusing on the technique required to throw a perfect punch. When you are doing something you enjoy that’s challenging and fulfilling, you become naturally happier.

Boxing can be a very humbling experience. To step into this class for the first time and not know how to throw a punch takes a lot of guts by itself. To admit that you don’t know how to do something and have the courage to learn shows great humility.

Your strength as a self-assured person comes from self-esteem. One of the primary benefits of body fit class is that it’s one of those sports that really make you feel empowered. You are working on your positive qualities and abilities, as well as recognising your faults, mistakes and shortcomings.

Strength comes from overcoming resistance and adversity. In this class you will find resistance in the learning process and hugely improve your fitness level. You must be mentally strong to continue learning when it seems like you will never “get it.”

Now hit my class and reap the rewards of these benefits.


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