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Some facts about Joseph Pilates.

There is a great article by Kathy Corey on Pilates Intel, the global community advocating intelligent fitness, on the facts about Joseph Pilates. Kathy is correcting misconceptions of Joseph Pilates history:

“I am always shocked when I teach at a conference or hear people talking about the history of Joseph Pilates.  There is still so much misinformation about the man and his life.  The Internet promotes these falsehoods with many articles that have not been updated.  In fact, while writing this article I was checking various websites and found a myriad of incorrect details.  In the past we were not able to substantiate the information, but today we have the ability to research the records and separate fact from lure.

To test your knowledge of Joseph Pilates’ life and work, here is a quick quiz of some the most common misconceptions about the man whose program and name we use everyday in our work.

Joseph Pilates was born in:

  1. Düsseldorf, Germany
  2. Monchengladbach, Germany
  3. London, England
  4.  New York, New York USA”


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Gareth Bale

What an incredible stretching abilities!

Many high profile celebrities and sporting stars are now taking up Pilates. To name few I would mention Gareth Frank Bale and Ryan Giggs. Both Welsh footballers have been praising the benefits of Pilates.

So what is Pilates?

Pilates was a system invented by  Joseph Pilates who was a gymnast, diver, bodybuilder and just general all-round buff German dude. He developed a set of exercises that promoted good breathing, flexibility, strengthening of core muscles, and wearing a man nappy.  He had an idea that the things that people normally do, like working at a desk, or running, or lifting weights didn’t necessarily contribute to good long-term health and Pilates would be there to save us all.

If someone had walked into a football dressing room 15 years ago and explained the benefits of Pilates, they would have been laughed at and asked to leave. The misconception at the time was that it was only for girls. But look at this picture of Gareth Bale above, which demonstrates an abnormal stretching of his hamstring. That’s just one of the many benefits of this amazing class. Gareth considers himself lucky, but he credits the extension of his career to Pilates and maybe that’s why he’s still playing at 38. 

And look at Ryan Giggs. After one of the games, the commentators were discussing him and one of them credited his great form with the fact that he does Pilates. Ryan has famously put out a video of exercises that have allowed him to have a legendary long career. He attributes the fact that even in his 30s he is still incredibly strong and totally competitive to having done Pilates exercises his whole life.

So guys, if sportsmen like Gareth and Ryan are doing it, I hope it will encourage you to join this amazing class Wednesdays and Thursdays in Liffey Trust Centre.

Please click the link below for the timetable.



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Pilates Liffey Tr Poster

Benefits of the Pilates class

You are wondering about Pilates and why it is good for you… Have a quick read of my notes below and make up your mind ;-)

It is a body conditioning class that works on flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance in the legs, abdominals, arms, hips and back. Emphasis is on spinal and pelvic alignment, breathing, developing a strong core called “powerhouse” and improving coordination and balance. We are modifying different exercises to work with beginners as well as advanced participants and intensity can be increased over time as the body conditions and gets used to the exercises.

Results of the regular participation are longer, leaner muscles (less bulk, more freedom of movement), improved postural problems, increased core strength, stability and mobility, enhanced functional fitness, ease of movement, balanced strength and flexibility and heightened body awareness. It is no-impact, easy on the joints, can be customised to suit everyone from rehab patients to elite athletes, complements other methods of exercise, improves performance in sports (golf, skiing, skating, etc.), improves balance, coordination and circulation.

“Contrology develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong posture, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind and elevate the spirit” – Joseph H. Pilates (1880-1967)

So to sum it up with 10 classes you understand Pilates, with 20 you will see and feel the difference and with 30 you will change your life! Pilates doesn’t work on concept “no pain no game”. We will focus on BREATHING & CONTROL!

Now hit my class and reap the rewards of these benefits.


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